Request a critique of your manuscript
All too often, as an author, you may be too close to your work to be able to sit back and take an objective look at your book.  That's where a professional critique comes into play. 

Our professional and reliable reviewers can look at your manuscript with a fresh "pair of eyes."  - Please note, a critique is different from an edit.  Our reviewers will not be looking for grammatical errors in your work.  Rather, they will be looking for holes in your plot, areas which may be a little weak, and other general observations which can help you learn how to make your book more marketable.  We will offer constructive criticism which can make the difference between a rejection and a contract.
As experts in the industry, we work with you, the author, to learn what you can do to help get your book published.  - Think of us as a "coach" of sorts.  Together, we can help you reach your goal of getting your book in print.

Our critique service is very affordable and can help launch you from novice to professional status.  To submit your work for a critique, please complete and submit the form below. 

Critique fees are as follows: Minimum $100 /or/ .01 cents per word
Mailing Address
Website (if applicable)
Pen Name (if applicable)
E-mail Address
Manuscript Title
Author Bio
Book Synopsis
Manuscript Title
To remit payment via PayPal, click on the payment options below.  For manuscripts with 10,000 words or less, click on the <10,000 button.  For manuscripts with greater than 10,000 words, click on the >10,000 button, then enter the number of words to calculate your total.
Once you've completed the form above and remitted payment, please make a copy of this form for your records before entering the submit button below.
When a book raises your spirit,
and inspires you with noble and courageous feelings,
seek for no other rule to judge the work by;
it is good, and made by a good workman. - Bruyere
If you opt to send your manuscript via hard-copy, we will inform you of the address to which you should send your work.
I wish to send my manuscript electronicallyI wish to send my manuscript via hard-copy